Monday, November 19, 2012

Things I Learned...

... This weekend.
  1. It's good to take time and reflect on where you come from. On Sunday afternoon I had the chance to attend a fundraising banquet for Young Life in the town I grew up in with my mom. Young Life has played such a huge role in my life and has been the foundation for my faith. I was so encouraged by the way God is continuing to show up boldly in the lives of high school kids there. 
  2. In the same vain, I had brunch with my closest high school girlfriends on Saturday. There's something so wonderful about catching up over an egg scramble and a bloody mary. High school girlfriends are irreplaceable. 
  3. I've been a terrible long distance friend lately. Right now as I sit here typing I can think of 4 different friends of mine that I owe not just a phone call but probably a long weekend of undivided attention. 
  4. I've overdosed on chinese food. Last week I ate chinese food three times in five days. It felt like a wonderful idea at the time. I assure you, it was not.
  5. I'm an ENFJ. My roommate Kelly became obsessive about personality test and has been making everyone in her life take it. They really are fascinating, I learned a lot more about myself... like I prefers harmony to discord, I often have a diverse range of friends and acquaintances, and I seek approval from other people. Other ENFJ's? Abraham Lincoln. I am in good company. 


  1. Since Kelly is obsessed with personality tests, she also made Hannah Sorich take a personality test who made me take a personality test. I've now discovered that I am an ESFJ. Does that make us closely related?
