Friday, June 15, 2012

Live Together, Die Alone

So I know I'm a little bit late on the LOST bandwagon (and that the series ended over two years ago) but I've been watching the entire show with three of my close friends over the last year and a half. When we started this adventure together last January I thought surely we wouldn't watch all of the seasons. 

But.... TONIGHT we are watching the series finale!! 
We've made it through many Young Life summer assignments, a battle with pancreatitis, filming a documentary in Honduras, and two new puppies but I'm proud to say all four of us have watched them all together (okay, except maybe 2.) I mean after all, "live together, die alone."

Don't worry - I'm sure I'll keep you all updated on my thoughts about the finale. It's crazy to think through where the show is now after watching the season 1 trailer. How do these people come up with this stuff? And I'm also sorry if you don't care about LOST. I know what you're feeling too, I honestly never thought I'd actually care. One last thing, if Kate & Sawyer end up together, I'll be angry. 

1 comment:

  1. what did you think? Josh & I just finished watching it 2 weeks ago.
